So bug-wise this place is pretty boring (Thank Heaven!) :) There aren't any big spiders or anything really freaky like that. I've seen 1 or 2 BIG cockroaches in the street though haha. And most houses have little lizards (Mga butiktik) crawling on the walls. There are tiny ants EVERYWHERE too! They drive me crazy! haha. I haven't been using my mosquito net, repellent, sunscreen, or lip balm haha. Sorry I'm a bad kid :o) I have been using LOTS of Afterbite though haha :) Maybe I should use the repellent instead eh? The mosquitos weren't bad at first but now they're eating me alive! No worries though, buhay pa.
Soo... we have running water (kind of) but not flushing toilets or a shower (We use a bucket and ladle for both. I explained TP in Kylee's email) :)
Food I miss: Mashed potatoes and Roast Beef
Thing: Family, and America is SOOOO beautiful!!!! We don't realize how good we've got it! I'm deep in the city and it's SOOO polluted and there's a bunch of trash everywhere and I miss our mountains and everything haha.
Yep, there's plenty of water here, I should probably drink more but buhay pa :)
The hot dogs here are pretty strange haha. Does that count? :) Elder Sidillo wants me to eat balut and I almost did last night but I chickened out :P Elder Cloward ate baked pig's blood though hahaha :) He's serving in Fairview, it's a wealthier part of the city. Elder Calinog's actually in my district! :D I see him a couple times each week, he's great!
Our apartment is tiny!!! Probably the size of the girl's room plus the downstairs toilet. CRAZY! I think we have one of the smaller ones in the mission too, Elder Cloward and Elder Calinog both have 4 elders in a 2 story apartment with 4 rooms.
I washed my clothes by hand the first week but I'm too impatient to wait for it to dry haha. We found a laundromat and they do my clothes for 25 pisos(50 cents) per kilogram and I wash my garments by hand.
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